Sachin Kadam

Sachin Kadam

Assistant Professor (Link to institute profile)
Department of Communication and Computer Engineering
LNM Institute of Information Technology (LNMIIT)
Rupa ki Nangal, Post-Sumel, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302031
Email: sachin.kadam[at], skadam6.asu[at]
Curriculum Vitae

Academics Publications Work Experience Fellowships Adv. Hobbies Social Profiles

Academic Background

Achievements in Competitive Exams

  1. Karnataka CET for BE: All State Rank - 120 (PCM) among approximately One Lakh students in 2003.
  2. GATE exam for MTech: All India Rank - 176 (ECE) among approximately One Lakh students in 2010.


Research Interests


  1. S. Kadam, A. Scaglione, N. Ravi, S. Peisert, B. Lunghino, and A. Shumavon, "Optimum Noise Mechanism for Differentially Private Queries in Discrete Finite Sets," Cybersecurity, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 54, Sep. 2024. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]
  2. S. Kadam and D. I. Kim, "Knowledge-Aware Semantic Communication System Design and Data Allocation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 5755-5769, Apr. 2024. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]
  3. S. Kadam, K. S. Bhargao, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Node Cardinality Estimation in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Deployed Over a Large Region Using a Mobile Base Station," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 221, pp. 103779, Jan. 2024. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]
  4. N. Ravi, A. Scaglione, S. Kadam, R. Gentz, S. Peisert, B. Lunghino, E. Levijarvi, and A. Shumavon, "Differentially Private K-means Clustering Applied to Meter Data Analysis and Synthesis," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 4801–4814, Nov. 2022. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]
  5. S. Kadam, S. Vivek Y., P. Hari Prasad, R. Kumar, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Rapid Node Cardinality Estimation in Heterogeneous Machine-to-Machine Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1836-1850, Feb. 2021. [Link to paper], [Link preprint]
  6. S. Kadam, C. S. Raut, A. Meena, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Fast Node Cardinality Estimation and Cognitive MAC Protocol Design for Heterogeneous Machine-to-Machine Networks," Wireless Networks, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 3929-3952, Aug. 2020. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]
  7. S. Kadam, D. Prabhu, N. Rathi, P. Chaki, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Exploiting Group Structure in MAC Protocol Design for Multichannel Ad Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 803-907, Jan. 2019. [Link to paper], [Link to preprint]


  1. S. Kadam and D. I. Kim, "Semantic Communication-Empowered Vehicle Count Prediction for Traffic Management," in Proc. of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Apr. 2024. [Link to paper]
  2. S. Kadam, A. Scaglione, N. Ravi, S. Peisert, B. Lunghino, and A. Shumavon, "Optimum Noise Mechanism for Probabilistic Differentially Private Queries in Discrete Finite Sets," in Proc. of IEEE SmartNets, Istanbul, Turkey, Jul. 2023. [Link to paper]
  3. S. Kadam and D. I. Kim, "Knowledge-Aware Semantic Communication System Design", in Proc. of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [Link to paper]
  4. S. Kadam and G. S. Kasbekar, "Node Cardinality Estimation Using a Mobile Base Station in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Deployed Over a Large Region," in Proc. of IEEE SPCOM, Bengaluru, India, Jul. 2020. [Link to paper]
  5. S. Vivek Y., P. Hari Prasad, R. Kumar, S. Kadam, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Rapid Node Cardinality Estimation in Heterogeneous Machine-to-Machine Networks," in Proc. of IEEE VTC2019-Spring, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Apr. 2019. [Link to paper]
  6. S. Kadam, C.S. Raut, G.S. Kasbekar, "Fast Node Cardinality Estimation and Cognitive MAC Protocol Design for Heterogeneous M2M Networks," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, Dec. 2017. [Link to paper]
  7. S. Kadam, D. Prabhu, N. Rathi, P. Chaki, and G. S. Kasbekar, "Exploiting Group Structure in MAC Protocol Design for Multichannel Ad Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks," in Proc. of IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, Apr. 2016. [Link to paper]
  8. S. Kadam, G. Sharma, R. K. Bansal, "Robust Dual Cumulative Sum Algorithm for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing," in Proc. of IEEE NCC, New Delhi, India, Feb. 2013. [Link to paper]

Academic Experience (Post PhD)

Research Experience (Post PhD)

Industry Experience

Research Projects


Notable Courses in Ph.D.

  1. Science of Information, Statistics, and Learning
  2. Games and Information
  3. Applied Mathematical Analysis in Engineering
  4. Advanced Data Networks
  5. Random Graphs: Theory and Applications
  6. Advanced Concentration Inequalities
  7. Introduction to Stochastic Optimization
  8. Markov Chains and Queuing Systems
  9. Advanced Probability and Random Processes
  10. Statistical Signal Analysis
  11. Communication Networks
  12. Information Theory and Coding
  13. Wavelets
  14. Applied Linear Algebra
  15. Real Analysis

Notable Courses in M.Tech.

  1. Optimization Methods in Engineering Design
  2. Detection and Estimation Theory
  3. Communication Theory
  4. Statistical Signal Processing
  5. Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing
  6. Speech Signal Processing
  7. Introduction to Signal Analysis
  8. Representation and Analysis of Random Signals

Adventurous Hobbies

Apart from academics and research work, I am occupied with following activities.

Social Profiles

SCOPUS/ Google Scholar/ LinkedIn/ ORCID/ Research Gate/ Web of Science/ dblp
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